A trademark, trade mark, or trade-mark is a recognizable sign, expression, or design which creates separability of products or services from those to others. Trademarks which are used as recognition for service are generally termed as service marks. The trademark owner can have any legal status including an individual, business entity, or any legal organiztion. A trademark may be located on a voucher, label, product or on package itself. For the sake of corporate identity, trademarks are generally displayed on the company premises.
Trademark Overview
Trademark is a unique identity symbol which may be a word signature, name, device, label, brand name, logo, company name which help to distinguish one business from another. If you are starting a business, it can be either a goods or a service or a brand, it is really important that you apply for trademark so that you protect your business name / product name from being copied and also create an Intellectual asset.
In India, Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks, Ministry of Industry and Commerce and Government of India registers Trademarks. Trademarks can be registered under The Trademark Act, 1999.
Registering your trademark gives you exclusive rights in the trademark across India for 10 years. Trademark gives the right to the owner to take legal action against someone who try to copy the business name, brand name or product name. Once a trademark has been registered, you can use an R symbol along with it and once it is registered it will be valid for a period of 10 years from the date of registration. You can easily get a ™ within 3 days. In case the trademark registration is nearing expiry date, you can get it re-registered at any time for a further period of ten years.
Benefits of trademark registration
- Trademarks help to communicate to your users
- Trademarks help your customers to find you
- Trademarks enable you to effectively manage the use of social media & web presence
- Trademark’s value grows with time and it is an effective mode to invest in
- Unique Identification in Market
- Trademark Helps to Protect your business name, brand name, logo, slogan
- Helps you enjoy exclusive right over the trademark
- Builds credibility and trust over your Goods/Services
- Protects against any Infringement
A trademark, trade mark, or trade-mark is a recognizable sign, expression, or design which creates separability of products or services from those to others. Trademarks which are used as recognition for service are generally termed as service marks. The trademark owner can have any legal status including an individual, business entity, or any legal organiztion. A trademark may be located on a voucher, label, product or on package itself. For the sake of corporate identity, trademarks are generally displayed on the company premises.
What GAB & Associates offer?
We serve as a one stop trademark application where right from making the application to obtaining the gazette; we serve our client in each and every process involved in the same.

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